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Elaine PayneElaine Payne wrote on May 15, 2014 on 8:04 pm:
I would like to say a very big thank you from all my members for the trip we had to your tulip farm. We were impressed by your attention to detail and concern for everyone’s comfort - the coffee and cakes were delicious. Your presentation was excellent – clear, informative with out being too long and with some lovely slides. We found it all very interesting, having had no idea of just how much work went into producing the lovely flowers and bulbs which we so enjoy. The greenhouses were impressive and the visit to the fields and being so close to so many beautiful flowers was wonderful. We will long remember our visit. We hope you have every success with your venture,
Kwok Wai LeungKwok Wai Leung wrote on March 4, 2013 on 7:59 pm:
We had visited your tulip farm in Early Feb, though it was not the perfect season to visit Holland, but with your vivid presentation and your reputation of being very hospitable (the colorful cakes, nice coffee and your well decorated guest-room), this could really compensate us with everything that we could miss. We do wish to visit you again in SUMMER in short coming future. Attached please find some photos about our recent visit, hope you will like them. Particularly there are 2 photos; which are the tulip bulbs from your gift package, we are now trying to grow them up in Hong Kong! Let's wait and see!
Ronald Winkels, AmstourRonald Winkels, Amstour wrote on October 8, 2011 on 7:54 pm:
For some of the river cruise land programs operated this season, we offered a visit to your tulip nursery as an optional tour. Although we were confident that this “new” excursion would be a real success, the feed-back from the guests was -without exception- extremely positive, and even exceeded the high expectations we had. Some of the most frequent comments were: “What a surprise it was to visit this wonderful place”, “This was such an authentic place to visit”, “A must-do excursion when visiting Holland during tulip time”, “The best trip of the entire tour”. These positive reactions we also received from the various Tour Guides and the Cruise Managers that visited your place. No need to say that we would like to thank you and your husband Siem for the wonderful job you did and we will definitely return next year.
Bram DielemanBram Dieleman wrote on February 25, 2010 on 2:35 pm:
het was grandioos voor mekaar!!
Ben en Ans HoitinkBen en Ans Hoitink wrote on February 8, 2010 on 8:02 pm:
Nu een paar dagen na ons feest ter ere van onze verjaardagen, kijken we met een enorm tevreden en dankbaar gevoel terug. We genieten nog steeds na, zo ook van de prachtige bos tulpen. Sandra, onze complimenten voor jouw perfecte organisatie, tot in de kleinste puntjes was aan alles gedacht. Die kleine dingen van aandacht en correctheid, ook door Annemarieke en Esther, gaven net iets extra's. Zoals we merkten, waren onze gasten ook erg enthousiast over de rondleiding, men vond het gezellig en interessant om te zien en horen wat er in jullie bedrijf omgaat. Daarom ook voor Siem onze complimenten. Sandra, je hebt het waargemaakt hoor, om Ben en mijn verjaardag tot een geslaagd feest te maken. Wij kunnen het iedereen aanraden! Bedankt nogmaals. Je bent een perfecte vakvrouw! Verder wensen wij jullie veel succes toe met jullie gezamenlijke onderneming